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Happy New Year! With 2019 upon us, many companies are considering to refresh their branding for the new year. Deciding to rebrand your business can be a daunting idea. It can be a great way to modernise your business and help your branding better reflect the company. We recently went through 4 questions to ask yourself before rebranding agency sydney to help decide where to take your rebrand.

But how can you tell if your brand needs updating?

Rebranding Agency Sydney must go through what to do and what not to do when Rebranding .

1. Your target audience has changed

If the people within your audience has changed, or your target demographic has changed or expanded, it is an obvious sign your brand needs updating. rebranding will help you better meet your target audience as your brand image and message will be more aligned. It is important to refresh your brand to change as your customers change.

2. Your branding has matured

If your branding looks like it hasn’t been updated since you started the business, or it’s stuck in a fad from five years ago, it’s a good sign you need to change. Rebranding can ensure your brand looks current, which can add to your credibility.

3. Your brand has changed

This is an obvious one. If your branding doesn’t match your brand image, it’s time to rebrand. Whether it is your offering, pricing or overall image that has changed, it is important to keep your branding consistent.

4. Your brand doesn’t stand out

When your brand is starting to look like your competitors, it’s a sign you need to change. Using a creative agency like Made agency to rebrand can help you stand out from competitors, which will be better for business!

5. You aren’t happy with how your branding looks

When your brand is starting to look like your competitors, it’s a sign you need to change. Using a creative agency like Made to rebrand can help you stand out from competitors, which will be better for business!

This could be a combination of things. You feel your branding doesn’t reflect the business, it’s outdated, or you’ve never really liked how it looked. If you don’t like it, it’s likely that your customers won’t either. Rebranding agency Sydney can help you love the way your brand looks and feel proud to show customers.

Has this post inspired you to rebrand in the New Year? You can check out some of our rebrands in our porftolio.

Give us a call on 1300 877 503, or email to see how we can help you.

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