As the holiday season is well and truly upon us, companies are beginning to add touches of Christmas cheer to their branding.  From Starbucks and the Christmas Branding Agency themed red cup campaign, to Coca Cola and the Christmas truck that gifts the popular soft drink to communities. Brands across the world are getting in on the festivities.

So, how can you add a bit of Christmas Branding Agency

Changing your logo

Many companies change their logos for the festive season. From adding baubles and holly, to Santa hats and gift wrapping.  Woolworths added a small piece of holly to their green logo, which is a subtle way to show how they were getting into the Christmas spirit.

Update your website

From adding decorations to the website to increasing your Christmas themed content. Updating your website can be a great way to add some jolly cheer.  Many retail companies have joined in on this trend, offering customers advice on what to buy and other Christmas tips.

Sharing Christmas updates

Posting Christmas themed updates on social media can be a great way to get involved in the festivities.  Therefore you can show your followers how the brand is getting involved. It can be a great way to engage more with your customers.

Christmas email campaigns

Adding touches of Christmas joy to your e-newsletters can also add to your branding.  Brands do this by sending Christmas themed subject lines, changing the design of their email, or delivering specific festive content to receivers.

Christmas ads

With Christmas only days away, advertisements on radio, newspaper and television are increasingly Christmas themed.  Many companies add the Christmas spirit to their branding efforts by specifically promoting their offerings during the festive season. Offering new products and sales to entice buyers is also a good way to add Christmas.

Adding the Christmas spirit to your branding can be a great way to engage more with customers by creating emotional connections.  Here at Made, we’ve been getting into the Christmas spirit by designing Christmas cards and setting up decorations around the office.

If you’d like to discuss a new site, send us a message, we’d be happy to do a free website review. Email us on or call us on 1300 877 503, we’d love to have a chat and see where we can help you.

For regular updates on our projects, you can visit our Facebook page:  Made Agency Facebook Page 

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