Brand awareness can seem like a vague concept. How do you make people aware of your brand? How do you increase brand awareness? How can a brand convince customers that their product/service is the best option? Do you need to hire a brand Design Agency for brand awareness? Will this Brand Agency help increase brand awareness?

How to increase brand awareness

Brand awareness embeds itself into consumer lifestyles and purchase habits so that they don’t have to think twice before becoming a customer – time and time again. For example, have you ever heard people refer to themselves as ‘Apple’, ‘Samsung’ or ‘Nike’ people? That is what brand awareness can do for a brand, it defines people’s choices.

Brand awareness is extremely important for business success and overall marketing goals. But why?

Why is brand awareness important?

As the world endures to immerse itself into the digital era, branding has become a top priority for companies looking to differentiate their offerings and in turn, increase their outcome.

Branding is no longer an afterthought. It is the primary fuel powering your business and driving sales.”


Brand awareness establishes that brand trust. When you’re serious about your brand, you are serious about your business. Showing you care about your business and your customers experience can help build trust. These efforts give your brand a personality and outlet to be sincere, receive feedback, and tell a story.

How to build brand awareness

Let’s get personal. Today’s brands need to advance from simply creating brand awareness, to creating meaning and connection through their brand.

Sure, you can plaster your brand on every billboard in town, but most business owners don’t have the budget for high-priced advertising. Plus, increased exposure doesn’t necessarily lead to increased brand awareness.

Like with Apple and Nike, to become a lasting and loved brand you must become embedded in people’s lives. Not only do you have to engage consumers at deeper levels, but also ask the question, “How will our customers connect to our product and want to stay loyal to our brand?”

The best ways to build brand awareness are listed below.


Having consistent and strong branding across your socials, packaging, print and website is key for brand recognition. A customer will very quickly get familiar with your brand after seeing it multiple places. Brand awareness takes brand recognition a step further. It allows the brand to mean something to them.


Storytelling is the solid narrative that connects the facts and emotions that your brand evokes.

But a brand can’t tell any old story. It needs to be crafted meticulously, with accuracy and honesty, to be unique and authentic. Authenticity breeds trust, and trust breeds loyalty.

Brands exist in perceptions and experiences. Your brand is your reputation and your reliability. It’s everything you are proud to stand for. It’s everything your business is and does. It should be revelatory and inspiring.

So, to build a lasting relationship, evoke connections, be honest, authentic and share your story.


When you’re serious about your brand, you are serious about your business. Showing you care about your business and your customers experience can help build trust. Trust is built on a foundation of authenticity, honesty and modesty. Every little piece of your company, your story and your brand is an opportunity to show up.

How Made Agency can help…

A great brand stands at the crossroads of function and beauty. It engages, compels, and makes perfect sense. The journey to get there should be a revelatory and inspiring experience with strong relationships formed along the way. We observe and we listen until we understand: only then do we immerse ourselves in the creative challenge.

Made Agency helps the world perceive their clients’ vision. We are creative middlemen. We are the bridge between a client’s idea and the people they seek to communicate that idea to. We get to the source of every idea, to gain a true understanding of the what, the why and the how.

Our team of creatives get to the source of every idea, to gain a true understanding of the what, the why and the how. Every client is different, however, our objective remains the same creating dynamic, innovative and lasting brands.

Our award-winning design and branding is where ideas are made. As per discussions with clients, we are the best design agency in Sydney and Australia.

How to increase brand awareness

Do you want to create a well-recognised brand?

Give us a call on 1300 877 503, or email to find out how we can help you. We’d love to hear from you!

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