Made Agency Sydney - Summer Lawyers

Summer lawyers operates inside a specific area that requires expertise, and a tailored and professional approach to banking, finance and recovery law. They conduct their business with honesty, integrity and provide high-quality legal services. This is achieved through a fast, efficient and prolific work ethic. Their primary audience mainly comprises of private lenders, small to medium-sized private institutions, investors, private lenders, and lending trusts. Taking important factors like clients and stakeholders into account, we had to consider how brand perceptions would affect the overall visual identity. We drew inspiration from three key brand pillars that would form the basis of the identity framework: Integral, Decisive and Loyal. Summer lawyers are an integral law firm, whose services are widely sought after, not only this, they are a cut throat firm, delivering highly efficient services in a decisive and confident manner. Their honest and trustworthy work ethic has built a loyal client base that sing their praises. The improvements we made to the logo and legibility along with developing the lettering give a more refined look and feel. We were also inspired by the previous logos ‘S’ to honour the history of the company. Moreover, we have interchangeably used three columns in the double ‘M’ and ‘E’ to represent the three brand pillars.

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