The Skin Hospital - Made Agency

The Skin Hospital

The Skin Hospital is a private not-for-profit benevolent organisation dedicated to benefiting those who suffer from diseases of the skin. It’s specialists undertake a full range of services for the diagnosis and management of skin conditions. Made created a brand identity that was warming and inviting. This was achieved by soft and warm colour gradients accompanied with a contemporary aesthetic being the representation of the skin cell.


  • Branding
  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Corporate Identity
  • Art Direction
  • Animation
The Skin Hospital
The Skin Hospital
The Skin Hospital
The Skin Hospital
The Skin Hospital
The Skin Hospital

Made evolved the colour palette and iconography of the existing branding, elevating the brand’s identity.

The Skin Hospital
The Skin Hospital

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Vanuatu Made

Vanuatu Made

Made was engaged by the Vanuatu Government to build a brand that celebrated the nation’s commitment to craftsmanship and the strength of their organic agriculture. We created a bold marque that allowed producers and makers to show the world that their products were proudly ‘Vanuatu Made’. The project involved the creation of a not-for-profit entity that supports Vanuatu businesses by giving them a wider domestic and international audience via the brand’s website and an extensive advertising campaign.
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