Unfortunately, core graphic design skills are no longer enough. It might sound weird to say it but the skills you learned at university will only get you so far. Design is a competitive profession, and ultimately, you need to be more striking to employers and clients than your rivals if you want to accelerate your career in graphic design.

This means you constantly need to be growing your skillset, year on year, both in terms of adding new skills like animation, motion design, UI or UX design, and developing your soft skills too.

You’re probably asking yourself what’s the cost of not doing so?

Well, we won’t sugar-coat it. Potentially, it means failing to secure a job, missing promotions, and feeling like you’re being left behind as others overtake you in your career. Unfortunately, these soft skills aren’t usually taught in university courses, which can lead to graphic designers being held back, not just at the start but throughout their careers.

Our advice? Learn, learn, and learn some more. Our studio has explored what some of these extra skills look like and how focusing on them can help you in your graphic design career.


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